
Redirecting you to a secure payment page…

If you have selected the monthly donation option, by completing this form, you consent to the terms and conditions of the following policy:
to continue regular payments for the selected amount through the payment method to be entered, and that these payments will continue until I cancel them, which I can do by emailing info@arttable.org prior to the payment date.
that donations are non-refundable, and I am responsible for any fees incurred if my payment is rejected by my bank or credit card company. If the recurring payment has failed, authorization may be updated for any future payments to be made.
   Secure Payment
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Submit the following information to have your employer match your donation. Payment will be reconciled upon receipt of donation by employer.
   Secure Payment
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or enter your card details below
Payment Form Unable to Load: Your payment form is blocked by a firewall. This is most commonly due to use of an anonymous, untrusted IP address. If you are using a VPN to anonymize your IP, we recommend connecting through your local IP to complete your payment.
{{ccfpInfo.notInGoodMessage || ''}}
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{{donationAmountStr}}/{{recurringUnitText}} USD
   Secure Payment
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